From Argentina to the Caucasus coming to visit Emilia Romagna

Tour operators from all over the world – accompanied by the Erbacci Group of Faenza and IF – come to discover our territory to include it in Lufthansa tourist packages: vintage cars and cooking classes have conquered the international delegation.

Tour operators from the Lufthansa City Center network arrived from Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia and Greece. From October 9th to 13th 2017, they experienced first-hand the itineraries to get to know and experience our territory. Objective: bring Emilia Romagna into the Lufthansa offers that move millions of tourists worldwide each year.

The promotional trip – conceived and conducted by the Erbacci Group, a partner of Lufthansa City Center, in collaboration with IF Imola Faenza Tourism Company – has been held between Bologna, Castel S. Pietro Terme, Dozza, Imola, Ravenna, Faenza, Brisighella and San Marino.

In addition to visits to historical centers, the tour operators were fascinated by the “experiences”: riding in vintage cars from the Golf Club of Castel S. Pietro up to the Imola racetrack, in Faenza to admire the International Museum of Ceramics and the pottery workshops, and then tasting local products such as the Brisighella oil and the mini cooking course during which the foreign delegation could literally put their “hands in dough” of our gastronomic tradition.

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