The ancient town of Moretano, today called Mordano, is located in the Eastern flatland of Bologna.
Amongst the rows of grape vines and peach trees there are a number of important buildings displaying typical features of rural Romagna architecture.
Why visit it
Two twin towers stand at the entrance of the fortified center of Mordano. The towers were built at the end of the 1800s, in the place of an even older gate, inspired by the Venetian Arsenale.
When to go and what to see
The most important event is the Agricultural Fair/District Contest at the end of May.
Do not miss
In Bubano, one of the town disctricts, a defensive tower has been standing strong since the 15th century, built by the Sforza family. Today the building hosts a museum dedicated to the history and culture of this land.
Keep fit
The territory of Mordano/Imola/Casalfiumanese/Borgo Tossignano/Fontanelice/Castel del Rio is crossed by Santerno Valley Cycling Path: a scenic bike ride for any kind of cycling tourist who wishes to be surrounded by nature. Santerno Valley Cycling Path is a mixed trail of gravel and paved roads, connecting the plain of Imola area to the Appennines, from Mordano to Castel del Rio.
Main events
In June, the Palio del Torrione takes place: this historical reenactment keeps the memories of a legend about a dragon being present on this territory.
It lasts a week, with many events for everybody.